Herder-Farmer Conflicts In The Dawa-Ganale River Basin Areas: The Case of Intra Clan Conflict Among The Degodia Somali of Dollo Ado District In The Somali Regional State of Ethiopia

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Addis Ababauniversity


This sllldy allempts to explore inter clan resource conflicts and local (basically economic) ins/ability in Somali Regional State_ Conjlict or insecurity hinders local, community. and regional development by principally affecting rural pastoral and agro pas/oral production systems and as a result calisesfiJOd security. Especially, in conflict endemic areas like that of Dollo Addo district along the Ethiopia-Soll1alia - Kenya border zone, where the internal and cross border inter - clan and intra - clan conflicts are higher bath in terms oj ji-eqllency and i/1tensity (for the last 40 years) the livelihoods of the pastoral and agI'o pastoralist clans are extrell1ely threatened to greater extent. This study in the 00110 Oddo wereda of Liban Zone in the southeastern Somali Regional state has been exposed to natural disasters and conflicts. This study focuses on the inter clan herder - farmer conflicts within Degodia and Degodia and their neighbors with more focus on internal conflicts within the Degodia. The main assumption in the beginning a/this study was thai as in many arid lowland and river basin lands where natural resource scarcity die/ales the relationships among pastoral herders and, herders and farmers sharing a common (shared) production zones, {he majo,. Calise of conflicts in {he study area would be primarily resource scarciry, yet this is without neglecting Ihe socia cuLtural, political and economic/actors. Accordingly, natural resources scarcity in both predominantly pastoral and agricultural clan lands (within the river basin and its hinterlands) coupled with some other/actors like imposition 0/01' ,lack of clear pastoral land tenure policy, creation of clan based administralive structures (ye gossa yegitosh meret), and the rearrangement of local land boundaries, and demarcation of administrative borders 0/ the new and old Weredas (for example Dollo wereda has been part of BOI-ana wereda), the implementation of decentralized administrative structures, (/994, 2003) and the unchecked injllL< 0/ large number 0/ drought and internal and external conflict displaced herders with their livestock and Somali refugees (since 1991) and returnees (since 1985, after 1992) FOIn Somalia and Kenya are found to be the inherent cause of conflict in the study area. ~Vilh regard to its nall/re, the inter- and intra clan and inter ethnic resource based conjlicts in the study area were found to be of higher in their magnitude of occurrences and intensity and their consequences, which worsens , with (he aggravation a/resource scarcity and absence a/conflict resolving formal instilutions jar sllstainable conflict resolution. Key words: conn ict, clan, institutions, river basin, herder, farmer, and transformation



clan, institutions, river basin, herde, farmer, and transformation
