A Study on the Health Communication Strategies of FHAPCO to Prevent HIVIAIDS in MARPS and Vulnerable Groups, Particularly to Address College and University Students.
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Addis Ababa University
Annual reports and researches show that HIVIAIDS is still the cause of death for the p eople
around the world especially for the third world countries like Ethiopia. Hence, this study is
designed to assess the health communication strategies of FHAP CO to prevent HIVIAIDS in
most at risk population (MA RPS) and vulnerable groups, particularly to address college and
university students.
In the study, qualitative research inquiry was employed. Document analysis and an in-depth
interview were data collection tools. Th e qualitative method followed purposive sampling to
select interviewees from the members of th e technical team that has designed the SBCC
strategy of FHAPCO and personnel in AA U and analyzed the health communication strategy
to prevent HIVIAIDS, MARPS and vulnerable groups in Ethiopia.
Additionally the document (health communication strategy for MARPS alld vulnerable
groups) HIVIAIDS and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) communication for higher
education institutions were analyzed thoroughly. The stu dy was informed by participatory
communication theory.
Therefore, the study hasrevealed that the social and behavior communication (SBCC)
strategy is a strategy which was designed to prevent HIVIAIDS in MARPS and vulnerable
gro ups. Members of the tec hnical team who were assigned to desig n th e SBCC strategy were
followed the P-process systematic health co mmunication approac h as a guide line.
According to the findings of the study, the controversies between the high risk behaviour of
university students to sexually transmitted HIVIAIDS and the availability of the perceived
health communication strategies is due to some gaps which were in all stages of the strategy
development (lack of key stakeholders participation) and on its implementation.
And the study concluded that the participation of key stakeholders in all stages of
communication strategies and communication interventions at all levels of the society is vital
to bring about the desired behavior change.