Biological Thoughts as they are Enlightened in the Ethiopian Commentary Tradition: Annotation, Translations and Commentary
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Addis Ababa Universiy
The andamta corpus of Amharic commen tary on Ge'ez biblical and patristic
texts derives its n ame from the repeated use of 'andam', meaning 'and (there is)
one (who says)', to introduce d ifferent interpretations. The corpus is in four
parts: Old Testament, New Testament, The Books of the Scholars and the
books of Monks . It represents a long running Ethiopian oral tradition, possibly
originating from Aksumite Kingdom between the advent of Christianity, and the
ninth century, now written down and recently partly published, a lthough
important commentaries remain unpublished.
Althou gh the primary goal of Andamta are to spiritual ideas but also Andamta
as a hot bed for many Sciences such as h istorical, philological, biological and
medical laws a re raised h ere and there as it a ttempts to explain their relations
to human's lives.
As a result of there are also many in sights in andamta to biological science like
human biology, plant biology, and a nimal biology. Therefore, the study will
discuss the above-mentioned points in detail especia lly in regard with the
biological ideas from the andamta.
The andamta corpus of Amharic commen tary on Ge'ez biblical and patristic texts