An Assessment of Urban Land Tenure Systems and Housing Development in Addis Ababa: The Case of Addis Ketema
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Addis Ababa University
This study identified the major tenure systems wilh the corresponding property righls and Ihe
relationship behveen lenure and housing development. It also examines the extent to which factors
like tenure type. tenure security local ion of the area, households income, land/housing/ policy,
land/housing administration and management affecltenants in developing Iheir piece of land/houses.
A sample of 302 households from three selected kebeles in Addis Ketema Sub City, were
selected randomly. These households were divided into public, private and informal tenure types. To
conduct the study survey queslionnaire, key informant interview, field observation and photography
were used.
The result indicaled that different kinds of land/housing lenure system such as freehold,
leasehold, cooperatives, condominium, public rental and informal coexisted in Addis Ketema. The
existing tenure differences had its own effect on the types of rights, level of security and housing
development. Concerning property rights, there is a problem of clarity and lack of law enforcement.
There is a considerable degree of insecurity on the private owner and public rental tenants, and a
high degree of insecurity on the informal tenants side. Due to this, private owners and public renlal
tenants were involved on developmental activities to improve their house. However, informal tenants
were reluctant to develop their house. Those houses under Ihe possession of private owners are in a
good condition, while majorily of publicly owned rental houses are to the contrary. The availability
of basic utilities was in a beller condition for private owners. However, a significant number of
public rentals do not have tap water and kitchen. The informal lenants reside in shanty houses and
have no basic utilities like water and toilet of their own.
A significant number of private owner and public rental tenants confirmed the existence of
corruption, employee's capacity problem and prejudice in the adjudication process.
Therefore, the study advocates for promulgation and application of comprehensive land and
housing tenure policies. Design and implement a flexible tenure types. Introduce and implement
cadastre and promulgate a clear and fair real properly rights for all houses and land tenures.
Improve the housing condilions and availability of basic infrastructures and utilities by working
together with the community, NGOs and private developers. Design a clear and feasible duties and
responsibililiesfor city, sub city and kebele land and housing administrators and managers. Conduct
capacity-building programs for employees of land and housing managers and administrators a/ the
sub city and kebele level.