The Role of the ILO Supervisory Body in Ensuring Ethiopia's Compliance to International Labour Standards: A Legal Perspective
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
There has been a more than 75 year's old tight relationship between ILO, which
is the oldest sectorial international organiz.,tion and it's first African member: Ethiopia.
This means, it has been three qnarters of a cenl1lry since Ethiopia has agreed to
undertake her responsibility of membership up on admission to the organization.
Edliopia, as any odler member state to the ILO is expected to assist and take
part in dle orgaIlization's endeavor to set international mitlimum labour standards,
promote ratification of mternationalla our conventions and evaluate dle application of
dle sanle by member states.
Among the numerous numbers of ILO Conventions eight has been selected as
fundamental and their application in the member state is given a priority attention.
Edliopia has ratified all of dlese fundament:<u conventions.
Since the adoption of the labour proclamation 64/75 Edliopia has adopted two
other proclamations and through out dlis period ILO supervisions especially concerning
the application of fundamental conventions has been contit1Uously gOitlg on widl fruitWJ
outcome revealed itl the new labour proclamations dlat repealed dle precedent ones.
The effective itUluence of the ILO supervision on Edliopi,m labour law especially
concerning the fundamental rights can be mferred from examining the contents of dle
three labour proclamations of Ethiopia and the reports of ILO supervisory bodies made
between them.