Challenges and Opportunities of Good Governance: The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
This srudy has investigated the challenges mgl opportunities of good governance pertaining to
fhe operctlioll of institutions and the attributes of good governance in Addis Ababa. The Council,
Polill cal purties, fhe Media, ¥Voredas (Kebeless), CSOs and fhe Executive/Civil societl' of the
Cill" (IrE' llu! illSlflll/ions {h ell were scrulinized. Absence of corruptioll, legililllo('y. jJorficipOflOIl.
1l'IlIlSjHlrmcr. (lccoullwbility alld efficiency and effectiveness are the allriiJules analyzed in the
sludy. For Ihis end, a mixed research approach that combined qualitative analysis and simple
descriptive statistical metl10d was employed. The former was used to analyze the information
gathered Fom expertise and officials while the latter was employed to analyze the data gathered
for 300 sample households. The findings revealed that weak council and opposition political panies. lack of impamul allli
objective media, illsufficient decentralization effort, political consideration in promotion and
career development in the civil service, lack of enabling environment for operation of CSOs,
high corruplion incidence and rent seeking, lack of transparency and accountability, immature
pllrli cipatioll, ill efficiency and ineffectiveness in the provision of at least some basic services
posed Ihe challenge to promote good governance in the City. Favorable constillilional
,. ulFullgelll ell1 Wid Cuv Charter. Ihe civil service reform. the eflort to equip burellus IIlId uflices UI
filcl lilies alld humall power, the recent decelltralizatioll process, panicipCilioll of mass based
organizatiolls ill decision making and success in providing some services are assets to further
consolidate good governance. The study concludes that overarching government control of all
lIlaters alld lack ,of space for others results governance to be weak, fragile and slight though
some irnprovemenls are observed.
Opportunities Of Good Governance