The State of Decentralized Service Delivery: The Case of Abobo and Gog Woredas in Gambella Regional State

dc.contributor.advisorAyenew, Mehert (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorTsegaye T1lahun, Tsegaye
dc.description.abstract7he Ini/pose o(lhis Sllld,' \\'(/.1' (() ossess Ihe slole o(decelill"llli~ed sl'/'I'ices delil'erl' in I'iell' oFhtll'illg Ihe reqllired illslillliioll.\' olld Iheir per/ill'lllollC<', Ihe IWII'CI"/ollilwrily of locol gm'el'l1l1/ellls, Ihe /il/(illciol olld hllll/Oll rcsources olld Icn'l o( COllllllllllin' porticipOlioll of Ihe ,m"/,' \\'{Irec/os. The SII"Z)' 11 '0.1' COIIc/llcled ill 1\1'0 \I'oredos ill (joll/hcllo Regiollol Siole, 7i) IIICCI Ihe ohm'e ohjeclil'c Foclls grollp disCllssiollS, illlCI'I'iclI's olld ohs<'F\'({lioll 11'('1''' also COlldllcted lI'ith key ill/ill'lllOllts, professiollals allli COllllllllllil), repre,H'lIlotil'es. Jl/orem'er, obs('I'\'({tioll and appropriale dO('lllllellts Irere also IIsed to trionglliote the exislillg dow, Qllalitative dow analysis was elllployed to ossess the tl'lle nat lire oj' the topic IIl1der illl'cstigalioll. III Ethiopia Ihe second phase 0{ DLDP has lallnched ill 200-1 bllt it Itas illlplelllellted at Call1bella Regiollal State sillce 2005, Tlte lIIaill objectives oj'DLDP illellldes deepenillg devoilltion of power to the lower level goVel'l1l11elllS, institlltionalizing the decision lIIaking pOlreJ', enhancing the deillocratization process or promoting good governance, improl'ing se!Tice delil'elY and creating viable developllleni centers at the wore do level. However, despite sllch legal ji-allleworks, the study found alit that \I'oreda decentralization in general and service delivelY in particular had not been implemented adequately dlle to several reasons. It is challenged by many problems such as limited autonolllY, severe skilled hllman resources capacity, aellie blldgel shortage, lower revenue bases, weak organizational and institutional capacity, Poor il1ler-governmel7lal relations and partners with differenl stakeholders, a top down hierarchical relationship between sectors offices and services units (schools and health units), Regarding participation, there is no well established mechanisms and capacity for conducting real community participation. Thus, Power is nol yel adequately devolved and resources are nol Iransferred to local governmel7ls and Ihe expected expansion of public services has not been achieved. Hence, there is mismatch bel ween legal and political pronouncemenls and an aClual praclice, 11 was generally l~ecol11mended Ihal 10 make decenlralizalion meaningf'ill and improve service delivery, woreda governmenl should be capacilaled with financial and manpower resources. Power should be developed adequalely 10 Ihe woredas and seClrJfoffices,en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectState of Decentralized Service Deliveryen_US
dc.titleThe State of Decentralized Service Delivery: The Case of Abobo and Gog Woredas in Gambella Regional Stateen_US


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