Student - Teacher Interactions in English Classes in Four Schouls in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study is in general to find out the kind and frequency of verbal and non-verbal behaviours that transpire when teachers and students in four selected twelfth grade En~lish classes in Addis Ababa interact. Findings show: that three teachers did 75% to 84% of the talk in the class; that the remaining teacher did 57% of the talk whereas silence and confusion accounted for 4 - 8%; that student talk ranged from 12% to 18% in the three classes and 35% in the fourth one; that nearly all teachers were more direct than indirect in th8ir influence; that Amharic was used along with English in two of the four classes; that nearly all the teachers in this study commented positively or negatively on ideas expressed by students; that although students' participation in class discussion was minimal. the teachers did a great deal of prompting; that on the average the teachers put emphasis on the content area about 59% of the time and, that on the average 32% of the time, the teachers and students remained in the same category for periods longer than 3 seconds.



Teacher Interactions
