Audience Satisfaction with Ethiopian Television Amharic Children's Program: The Case of Children in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The central focus of thi s study was to explore the satisfaction/di ssati sfaction of children
with Ethi opian l 'elevision Amharic children's program, The study attempted to see the
extent to which the program gratify the ch il dren or nOL for what purpose they use the
program, the ch ildren's program preferences and whether the chi ldren's needs/ interests
arc addressed or nOL
In the literatlll'e review, va riOus literatures th at have connecti on with children and
televi sion were review. Accordi ngly, Bandura's soc ial - learning theory and the uses and
gratifications approach were used as a th eoretical framework to this particular theme.
The research method that was uti li zed in thi s study was qualitative. The study, by using
focus group interviews and in-depth individua l di scuss ion s, tried to ex plore the level of
the respondent 's sati sfaction/di ssat isfact ion in relat ion to the program. The respondents
were se lected purposely to find out the real v iewers of the program. The ed itor and
producers of the particular program also interviewed to make the study complete.
The lindings or the research demonstrated that ETV Amharic chi ldren's program is not
in the position to gratify its vielVers. The responses of the respondents reveal that their
needs and/or preferences are not fit with the content and presentation of the program.
Even if they have lots of reasons to watch it, they didn ' t achieve what they want and
expecL The outcomes of the individual in-depth and focus group interviews revea led that
the majority of the respondents lost interest toward the program because the program did
not gratify their need s.
Television Amharic Children's Program