Oroho Substantives: Some Aspects Of Their Morphology And Syntax

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Addis Ababa University


This study is an attempt made to describe Oromo NOUNS and ADJECTIVES. The purpose of the study is to see if NOUNS and ADJEe- TIVES in Oromo can be treated as constituents of just one class instead of the traditional two. To this end, the formal and distributional characteristics of NOUNS and ADJECTIVES have been examined in s i x chapters.In chapter one, reviews of previous works, and purposes and limitations of the study have been made. In the second and third chapters, the inflect ional and derivational affixes of Oromo NOUNS and ADJECTIVES have been examined and compared" The inflectional affi:;~es for such grammatical categories as number t gender; and case have been examined and explained. Regarding their derivations the roots from which NOUNS and ADJECTIVES may be derived and the affixes that derive them have been identi fied. Chapter five deals with some processes of nominalization and adjectivizationso Here, attempts have been made to describe th-e proceSDeD of compounding and re!ativization. In chapter five, the syntactic positions and functions of NOUNS and ADJECTIVES along with those of p ronouns , demonstratives, and numerals have been considered" Chapter six summarizes the discussion and suggests as a possible conclusion that NOUNS and ADJECTIVES may be considered as constituents of the class of substantives on the basis of their morphological similarity.



Oroho Substantives

