Gumuz Verb Morphology

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This pa per presents the ana lysis of Gumuz verb morphology. The paper consists of four par ts . The first part pr esents a brief description of the language , the people , t he review o f the lit er a ture along with the objective and me thod of the study. The second part deals with the phonology of Gumuz, in which 39 consonant and 5 vowel phonemes are identified. The syllable structure , the clusters , the suprasegmetal phoneme , t one , are discussed . The morphophonological proc esses that the a ffix e s under go are also pre se nted. The third part of the p aper is concerend with the verb infl e ctions of t he categories person, number, tense , aspect, mood and polarity. In this section several pr efixes and suffixes are identified and described. It was found out that all forms of verbs are r egular, e xcept the verb to be . The fourth part summarizes what has been discussed in the preceding sect ions.



ana lysis of Gumuz verb morphology

