The Sound Pattern Of Kistaninna: A Generative Approach

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Addis Ababa University


The thesis co~sists of three maior sectioDs: (i) phonemes and ~.llophones" (ii) +uLe s of phonetic .ceali'Ti ' ons , an,d""'I),Lll suprasep;men' tl8. 8 In the section deal ing w it h the phOneE1.8Sand al Lophone s , the consonent and voweI phcnemes are Lis t ed VJith their allophonic var i arrt n , giving of their distributions, In this section also dealing Hith seqnences and clusters of consonant nhonemes ~ co'ยท oc cur-r-ence s of the consonants are cLas s i f i.ed in terms of their manner of articulations such as ~ stops" af'f r i cat es , fricatives, nas al.s , Li oui.d.s, glides, and their d'i s tr-i.but.Lons in wor-d.s , and in the next s ec t i.on , f l.Lv culminating 'fortih a summary of the syll8ble structu~e of the language In the r-n l es of phonetic real i zat i ons , aas i.rai.Lat ory and non=as s i.mi Lat ocv r.r-o ce s se s 8S" palata I i zat i on , l~Jinli~ation, nasali~8tion, homorganic nasal assimilat ' t' iL t:' r 1 lOD., consonan as s a v r on \.Lengt"n 'j), vowe1 888l.8, 1.18.t'r.on , .i.nt et-voc al ic 1-Ie ake rri ng , vowe1 r-educ t i on , vowe 1. insertion and glide formation? are t100T'ol.W;h1d.:iv scus sed and an"tlysedo In the section dealing wi th supr-aseguent.aLs , consonant ~ength is analysed; and the relationship between pitch and strese .is a180 dete rnnned c The Lrrt onat i on patterns of the language are also exami.ned .




