A History of State Farm and Sugar Factory in Fincha'a Valley (1974 - 2012)

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Addis Ababa University


My thesis focuses on a history of agriculture in 'i h I 'a III J 974 to 20J 2. Ficha 'a Valley is located in the romia Re i nal tat in J/ rr udul'lI Wollega Zone, Abay Choman Woreda. Fincha 'a, Amarti and Nashe dams were constructed in Horro uduru /IV II a Zan in 19 3, 1987 and 2013 respectively. They generate 225MW hydroel ctric power. The water a lh dams is used for irrigation agriculture in the Fincha 'a Valley. Fincha 'a late Farm wa ' established in 1974 to overcome the shortage of food the country had faced at the time. Plantation of sugar cane was started in 1991. However, the can ·truction of the fac tory wa ' delayed up to 1998/1999 due to the lack of money and change of government that took place in 1991. Its construction was completed and the factory was inaugurated in 1999. All the three developments (the darns, Fincha 'a State Farm and Fincha 'a Sugar Factory) contribute a lot to the economic development and job creation for Ethiopian citizens. Many Ethiopians are employed in the Hydropower plants and the sugar factory. The tate Farm, Hydropower Plants and Fincha'a Sugar Factory became source of government revenue. At the same time the development of the dams and the sugar fa ctory challenged the life of the local people and also caused diverse and far reaching impacts on the local environment. About 44,000 people were evicted from their farm and grazing lands. As a result most oft hem became poor and homeless. Natural vegetations were cleared. Severe land degradation is going on. Wild animals escaped from that area. Totally, both positive and negative effects of these developments are seen in the area. Today Fincha 'a Valley became a home for 60,330 people and also the center of agro industry.



History of State Farm

