A Cross-Sectional Study of Bovine Mastitis in and Around Bahir Dar and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Major Pathogens

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Addis Ababa Universty


Three hundred fifty one (195 local zebu and 156 Holstein x Local Zebu) lactating cows of smallholder private farms in Bahir Dar milk shed were examined from September, 2003 to March, 2004 to determine mastitis prevalence, isolate pathogens involved, evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility profiles and to evalua te somatic cell countin identifying intramammary infections. Clinical prevalence was detemined through examination of abnomlalities of milk, udder or cow. California mastitis test (CMT) and culture were used for subclinical mastitis determination. Agar dise diffusion was used for antibiotic susceptibility test. Somatic cell count was conducted following standard procedures described in International Dairy Federdtion for enumeration of cells with direct Mi croscopic method. Clinical prevalence at cow level was 3.9% in crossbreds and none in local zebu breeds. Subclinical mastitis at cow level based on CMT was high (34.4% ) incrossbreds compared to indigenous zebu (17.9% ) (p < 0.05). Quarter subclinical prevalence based on CMT was 17.90% and 4.95% for crossbreds and local zebu. respectively. Amon g potential risk factors considered, stage of lactation, parity and breed were found to affect the occurrence of mastitis significantly (p < 0.05). The pathogens isolated from mastitic milk were coagulase negalive staphylococci (CNS), S. aureus. Str. agalaciae. Sir dysgalactiae. Str. uberis. Micrococcus species, C. bovls. A. pyogens B. cereus, and S. intermedius. Amon g these, the most frequent isolates were CNS (49 .6% of the total isolates). S. aureuS (17.9% ), Str. agalacliae (8.2%) and Str dysgalacliae (6:7%). Seven antibiotics including sulfisoxazole. tetracycline, erythromycin. oxacillin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, and streptomycin were tested on 81 isolates. Except for streptomycin, all isolates were sensitive to all antibiotics. All isolate s were most sensitive to sulfisoxazole. Staphylococcus; aureus was susceptible to all drugs except streptomycin. Staphylococcus aureus was 91.7% susceptible to oxacillin, howev er, CNS were less susceptible (68.2%) in vilro. To evaluate somatic cell count (SCC) in identifying imramamary infect ion fo r crossbreds. 10 cutoff poims between 100000 cells /ml and 300000 cell/ml were evaluated for their sensitivity and specificity in comparison with cultural results. Similarly, cutoff points between 80000 cell /ml and 250000 cell /ml were taken for loca l zebu breeds . The sensitivity for crossbreds range from 79.16 % (al 300000 cell/ml cutoff point) to 95.80 % (al 100000 cells/ ml) and similarly specificity from 80.28% to 45.52%. For local zebu breeds in the same order, sensitivity range from 58.82% to 88.23% and specificity from 45.82% to 85.15%. To establish threshold level this study was a first attempt in Ethiopia and to usc SCC as a diagnostic tool on a national seale further study need to be conducted with improved cultural technique and automatic cell counters. Cross breed cows had high SCC compared to local zebu cow. The SCC was significantly (p<O.05) affected by infection status. breed and late lactation stage.



clinical /subclinical mastitis/ prevalence /susceptibility /Somaric Cell Count /threshold /crossbred /zebu
