Anti Money- Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Regime : Practices by the Ethiopian Financial Intelligence Center

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective of this study is to assess the implementation and practice of AML/CFT regime in the case of FIC, and to measure the level of awareness and knowledge about AML/CFT of commercial banks of Ethiopia, the study also evaluates the challenges that banks face while practicing the regime and the benefits get by complying the administration are assessed. AML/CFT is a global issue, all regimes in the world are required to cooperate with each other to apply FATF’s Recommendation’s which are endorsed by UN and criminalize ML/TF, Ethiopia has started practicing AML/CFT in its banks and insurances, many progresses are made in the country within these few years. Based on the respondents from both FIC and commercial banks have been discharging their responsibilities by implementing and practicing AML/CFT at a moderate level, the finding show that both FIC staffs and risk and compliance department staffs in commercial banks have knowledge and awareness about the AML/CFT regime and they took adequate and basic training concerning of the preventive measurement of money laundering and terrorist financing offence. However, AML/CFT regime practice revealed that the existence of informal sector and cash based economy has exacerbating the money laundering offences, further, the finding confirmed that political Exposed Persons, Corruption and implementing Customer Due Diligence (CDD) & Know Your Customer (KYC) are serious challenges for banks. AML/CFT benefits measures confirmed that commercial banks understand the benefits of practicing the regime, the mean score in this regard is very high and above average. Key Words: Ant-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism, Financial Intelligence Center



Ant-Money laundering, Countering the financing of terrorism, Financial intelligence center
