The Oromo of Wollega : A Historical Survey to 1910

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Addis Ababa University


This paper is a historical survey of the Oromo of Wollega from the . e.t/-;.(J ()..AA.. J L<O II'- early days of the Oromo ~ which took place in the first half of the sixteenth centuryp up to the first decade of the twentieth century. Although the period is too wide to be covered fully in such a short work, in the absence of written sources, such a preliminary note on 80 long a period is useful and invaluable. The paper deals , among other things with the patterns of settlement, ~he dynamics of socio-political and economic aspects of the Cromo of Wollega including the changes that were effected over a number of years. Above all, tremendous efforts have been made to reassess the origin, the early soci~-political organization, the causes and directions of the Oromo migration at large, Moreover, the paper treats a general discussion on the pre-oromo societies which include their modes of life, their reactions towards the Oromo expansion and their eventual assimilation. It is hoped that such discussions may throw more light and to some extent fill the historical gap of the pre-oromo populations of the area in question. Throughout the paper, attempts have been made to emphasize the internal dynamics of change among the Oromo, the independent socio-political developments and the external influences which have been internalized by the Cromo leading to the emergence of a society with a different socio-economic and political order. Finally, the paper shows how regionalism gradually gave way to a centralized administration system with all its consequences on the majority of the population concerned.




