Problems and Constraints of Urban Agriculture in Addis Ababa: A case study of Cooperatives in Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City
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Addis Ababa University
'the paper (ll!cmpls 10 find out [hose factors thaI threaten {he pror/IiClivily ant! S/fccess (~f" IIr/ulII
agriculture carried out by the cooperatives ill Addis Ababa frol1l the perspective (~l 1)J'Ul'is!(/1/ I~l
agricull:!ra/ inputs; peljormance of illS/iluliollS that (lrc selllp 10 assiSf urhllll Jan/le.:,.S:
v rgai!lzaliolla/ and administrative arrangements of the cooperatives themselves: lIIorkt'liJll; ,.c1(/h'(~
issues of agricultural products,' as }vell as environmelltal COl/cerll.\' linked (0 /clrlllilig (luil 'ilie\'
undertaken by the cooperatives. For this purpose cooperatil'es I/W( are located ill N~((ls silk- /.l~ll()
sub-city are selected. III the study area there are 45 cooperatives ellgaged ill diflerelll killds of'
urban agriculture i.e., vegetable productioll, fatten ing, dailY cow, as I-veil as pOlIlll:V productioll.
011'-: vegetatioll, 12 dairy cow, seven jallelling, two pOllltl )" alld aile pOllltl)' (lilt! riairl' ('Ii\!'
producing cooperatives are selected as samples. From each cooperative 20 % o/mclllbL'ls. (/ /u la!
of 80 individuals are selected using simple ralldolll samplillg technique. Frolll (he disCIISsi(}II.\ dnd
Gliaiysis with members oj the cooperatives it has been Jound 0111 Iha/ rhe lJIajor prohh.:'IIIS {h(/(
ii//eC! the cuoperatives are; physical cOils/rain Is manifested thruugh lack of access I() lalld IIDII'}",
as '.-\:e!/ as shortage of llIodern agricultural inputs such as forage, jerrih=er, veferillm:\" H'/Tin':
iusii/lafollal problems illciz:ding less at/elltioll to urban agriclIlllIre evidellced througli allonlliJlg
/OIV budget to tlte sector ill terms of finance, human and lIIoterial resources. ahsf..'I/C/' urbol/
agriculture policy, failure to give (rainillg (0 farmers alld illadequatefollolV IfP e{c. The p/"l)hl('lJ/s or
lite urban agriculture cooperatives stem also from organizational Iveaknesses of tile cou/)erl/l in '.\
themselves_ Tltese ill elude; weak cllltllre o.(workillg togetlter, absellce oIle{/dersliip 'flllliin-, luel. or
Jkill. 2xtra job, drop out etc. The cooperatives are also sufferillg .li·om luck (~r J/wrke!illg 1}/lICl' {()
delflOf:stratc (!!/r! sell their agricultural products. This ill 1111"11 made [hell! sl/scl.!plihfLo In llli'
::.rp/uifdtioJ; of 1.1 II ddl2 111 £ 11 thai distort the price. The other big problem ill {his regurd is SL'lIs(J J/, t/
jlil!~/l.lali:'JJl i ll dei/Wild of agricultural products. This is highly related Wifh Ihe religion alld clllt lll"al
.rJrG'c!ice of residellts of tfte city. The IJIqjority of dwellers oIlhe CifY {Ire fo//oHlers {!/ r',/iiUjl/(/1/
Orthodo ...... Church 'who abstain Jrom eating livestock prodllcts during fasting tillle. /J ecal/se of (h i .
the demand for livestock products is extremely 10lV whereas the demalldofvegelahlc ! ... (HIIII .l .• • s
high iil lillie of/astillg period III teres tingly, tlte opposite I/Oids true dllrillg IlUlida)'s IIlId IUil/ jil.\lill.~
uris. COIl'ieqll<.!I! !IYJ 11I0st of the cooperatives are lVorking belolV thei,. Irlft! pOft!nti(/1 (llId .\()/II i.'
are ill deluge,· o!terlll;natillg tht? business. This ill tllrnluwers the provisioll oIagriculflfral prodll ("( \'
il , the .-.:f(v uud result in higher price and to some extent cOlltributes 10 IlllelllploYIII C!1I1 {~( {h OSl
'l1gaged hI the seCior .
Constraints of Urban Agriculture