Irrigation Water Management and Its Impacts On Crop Production and Agricultural Land: The Case of Metti-Walga Irrigation Scheme in South West Shoa Zone
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Addis Ababa University
This study examines irrigation water management activities in Metti-Walga irrigation
scheme and effects of this irrigation on crop production, income generation and
employment cr eation with existing water control. To serve this objective, household
survey, FGDs, interview and field observation were used to colJect data at group and
individual levels. The questionnaires were administered and filed by using 10calJy
recruited and trained enumerators. The analysis was undertaken using simple
statistical methods. 105 respondents were selected by lottery method from the total
population of 740 irrigators.
The findings of this study highlight the negative effects of irrigation on cultiva ted land
and agricultural productions. Mismanagement of irrigation water resulted in rise of the
water table, which ca uses water logging. About 20 hectares of the cultivated land at
lower-lying and flat areas are converted to water logged and the production of irrigated
crops declined. However, the irrigation scheme enables farmers to generate more
income and able to create employment in the scheme. The Price and demand for
irrigated crops increase due to facilities improved fOJ- m arketing agricultural
productions. But sustainability of the scheme is in a serious problem.
The study reveals that irrigation use activities such as control structure, water
management activities and organizational structures are inadequate. Conveyance
systems are inefficient because of water loss through ca nal seepage, percolation and
leakage. Water use activities s uch as water alJocation, distribution and field application
are inappropliate.
Organizational structures that are responsible for managing the physical structures and
water use activities l ack coordination and integration. This resulted in inefficiency of
the irrigation system .
Farmers were organiz ed in the form of Irrigation Groups and Water Users Groups for
activities ofinigation management but lack institutional arrangement and inadequate
tl-aining of users made organizational control activities. Woreda Agricultural and Rural
Development Office has shortage of skilled manpower and budget to train and assist
the farmers in operation and maintenance of the control structures. Hence, lack of
awareness, skl1led m anpower and coordination to manage irrigation system m ake the
conveyance system and field application inefficient. These poor irrigation water
management activities causes wastage of water that resulted in shortage of inigation
water in the scheme and conversion of cultivated land to water logging.
Water Management