Assessing Piped Water Project and Its Impact on Socio-Economic Conditions of the Urban Community in Amuria District, Uganda: Case of Amuria Town Council (ATC)
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Addis Ababa University
This study was Jocused to assess lIe piped water supply projecl and ils ' socio-econolllic
illlpacls to the urban comlllUnity oj Allluria town council, Amuria district. The key objectives
include; assessing roles oJactors ill the water sector, IdentifYingJactors that influence access
to piped water and thereafter assessing impacts oj piped water access on socio-econolllic
condilions oj the community, and to assess challenges encountered by the actors. The field
work was conducled Jar a period oj two months (August-September 2011). This study was
based on qualitative approach Jar data collection and analysis. However, sOllie quantilative
data has also been presented in the literatures and analysis part. The findings of this study
was based on the three key objectives include the Jollowing; the major actors in the piped
water supply were the governlllent institutions at national and local levels (MWE, NWSC,
DWO and DLB), the NGOs particularly WaterAid Uganda, private company here reJerred to
Alllbitious Construction Company Lilllited (ACCL) and the COIIIIIIUllity. The inJorlllal sector
like the water vendors were also Jound to be one oj the actors involved in water services
provision to the cOllllllunity, though they do not directly interact by other institutions dealing
with piped water. The major deterlllinants Jar piped water access were Jound to be access to
land, NWCS Charter, Government policies in addressing poverty, unelllployment,
inJrastructural development and general economic conditions like inflation. Socio-econolllic
impacts have been registered by those connected to piped IĀ·vater in the areas including not
lilllited to; tillle saving, increased productivity in water related businesses, health and
hygiene improvement and improved school attendance Jar school going children. It has also
created employment opportunity to sOllle households who are able to sell piped water to
cOllllllunity members to earn income. However, the main challenges Jacing the water supply
include governance ineffectiveness in service delivelY (low service provision, poor
accountability, bureaucracy, no public participation), limited man power and equiplllents at
Alliuria NWSC sub-office, political issues, iligh costs of water production and supply,
ineffiCient power supply at the water pumping site (Aoja swamp), and limited quality
assurance of the services provided alllong others. Th ereJore, the recolllmendations Jar water
supply include the need to; stakeholders' participation should be embraced by government,
addressing staffing and equipment problem, alternative sources of power like stand by
generators, poverty reduction strategies and plans should be effectively implemented at all
levels in the collegiality by both government and development partners.
Water Project