Vegetation Ecology and Land Use/ Land Cover Changes in Selected Afromontane Forests Along Gibe–Omo Watershed, Southwest Ethiopia
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Assefa, Abreham
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Addis Ababa Universty
This study was aimed to investigate plant diversity and community analyses of the
Afromontane forests at Tiro Boter Becho (TBB) and Chebera Churchura National Park
(CCNP) and analyze LU/LC changes of the two study areas. Systematic sampling
technique was applied to vegetation and environmental data collection. Vascular plants
encountered in each plot were recorded and identified. In addition, soil samples were
taken from each plot and analyzed for pH, organic matter, cation exchange capacity,
total nitrogen, available phosphorus and texture. Land use land cover changes of the
two study sites were analyzed from the period 1984–2015 using geographic
information system and remote sensing techniques. 204 and 144 plant species were
recorded from TBB and CCNP respectively. Five and four plant communities were
identified at the Afromontane forests of TBB and CCNP respectively. The density of
woody species was 1902 stems.ha–1 in TBB and 1562 stems.ha–1 in CCNP. Whereas,
the Basal area of woody species was 72.98 m2ha–1 in TBB and 73.81 m2ha–1 in CCNP.
Four LU/LC types were identified in TBB and five LU/LC types were identified in
CCNP. In the period of 1984–2000, Forest and Agriculture & Settlement showed
increasing trends in TBB. But Woodland and Shrub/Bushland showed decreasing
trends. In the period 2000–2015, Agriculture & Settlement and Shrub/Bushland showed
increasing trends. But Forest and Woodland showed a remarkable loss. In CCNP,
Forest, Grassland and Agriculture & Settlement showed increasing trends in the period
of 1984–2000. But Woodland and Water body showed decreasing trends. In the period
2000–2015, Agriculture & Settlement, Grassland and Water body showed increasing
trends. Whereas Forest and Woodland showed decreasing trends. A decreasing trend
in vegetation and increasing trend in Agriculture and Settlement is an indication of
high demand of land for cultivation and settlement. Integrated watershed management
approach should be in place to manage the entire watershed. Furthermore, effective
enforcement of forest laws/policies, fair involvement of local communities in forest
management, delineation of the forest buffer zone and improve the use of modern
stoves for efficient energy consumption must be carried out at a local level to ensure
the sustainability of natural forest.
Key Words/phrases: Afromontane forest, Chebera Churchura National Park, Land
use/Land cover change, Plant Community and Diversity, and Tiro-Boter-
Afromontane forest, Chebera Churchura National Park, Land use/Land cover change, Plant Community and Diversity, and Tiro-Boter- Becho