Assessment of Soil Erosion Threats on Environmental Functions For Road Side Development: the case of Addis Adama Express Way

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Addis Ababauniversity


A developed road side should provide operational, auxiliary, visual and environmental functions that are dependent on the biophysical and spatial nature and status of the surrounding landscape. It is imperative that major environmental components such as air, water, soil, fauna and flora be preserved and integrated within a road network to sustain ecological balance of the environment and service demand of the road. One of these components the soil in particular, is overlooked for its decisive role to ecologically integrate and sustain a road network for its designed years of service. Areas exposed to sever soil erosion leading to loss of water bodies and land degradation within the rights-of –way and a possible extension beyond for their critical and context sensitive objectivity, needs to be planned, designed, constructed and maintained for vegetation management and environmental preservations and remediation. In this research, soil erosion is raised as one of the critical and context sensitive environmental problem resulting in loss of minor water bodies and land degradation within the study area threatening sustainability of the Express way The problem is identified and assessed using field inventory and subsequent spatial analysis of relevant road side contextual features or topographic appearances’ by implementing RUSLE Model in Arc GIS. The contextual features or parameters are rated or weighted to pin point the extent of soil erosion and propose remedial measures further. In addition, the research outlines the need for  Conventional definition and extent of road side development  A conceptual frame work for natural resource preservation and landscape management of municipal developments, in particular the Express way, for context sensitive, critical planning and development.  identification of road side functions and values, prioritizing relevant contextual data on natures’ inventory within and beyond rights-of-ways of the Express way  Assessment models with analytical procedures to support integrated decision making and policy level considerations of road side development. Moreover, Federal and Regional policies and guidelines should be declared officially and implemented while planning, designing, constructing and maintaining non- traditional road side development. KEY WORDS: Context sensitive road side development, Environmental Function, Road side definition, Road side extent, , Soil erosion, RUSLE model



Context sensitive road side development; Environmental Functio; Road side definition;Road side Extent; Soil erosion; RUSLE model
