An Assessment of the Practice of Teaching Listening Skills With Reference to Kotebe College of Teacher Education: Language Students in Focus
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Addis Ababa University
Thc objecti,'c of this mid, \\'as tel assess the practice "I' teaching listening skilb at Kotcbc
College of Teacher Education. Spceilicall y. the study \\'as intended lC1 an s""': r thc' follo\\'ing
What are the factors (positi"e or ncgati, 'c) related to:
I. the materials the in structo rs use and
2. the teaching en"ironment that affect the teaching of listening skills at the college"
In order to achieve the objectiYes of the study. questionnaires. interview. classroom observations
and content analysis ch~ck list were used as data collection tools. Both open ended and closed
ended questionnaires \\ere dispatched to the avai lable Engl ish language instrucl(lrs and the
sample students. Semi structured interview questions were held with the available Engl ish
language instructors and the sample students. Observations \"ere he ld based on the structured
checklist. Qocument inspection was also done by using checklist. Then based on the information
gathered fro111 the instructors. the students. the classroom observation and the content analysis.
the study showed that:
There were no teacher made or commercial videocassette listening material s. Likewise. the stud,ยท
revealed that there were few audiocassettes possessed by only two instructors. The study
identified the factors th ~; hindered the teachi ng of listening skill s. According to the findings. the
majority (89%) of the instructors did not use or attempt to use audio ane! video recording
materials to teach listening partly because they could not operate the equipment available in the
language laboratory and partly because the laboratory could not accommodate all the studen!"
assigned in one section. Lack of ~ppropriate electricity connection in the classrooms \\as als<'
idclltitied tb be a factor that prevented in structors hom Llsing mobi le tape recorders.
As to the listening materials. the research sh,,,ved that the instructors did not use the listening
ll1~terial s that the CUlTelll EL T scholars suggest. Concerning the listening acti'lti,'5 in the
students' modular materi als. the stud)' showed that the listening texts and activities \\'c're not 1!1
harmony v:irh \\'h~t recfl1t EL T scholars say (such as Harmer.200 I; Undel~Mtl. 198<))
An Assessment of the Practice of Teaching