The Practice and Challenges of Using Facebook in Public Relations of Some Selected Bureaus of Oromia Region
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The aim of this study is to identify the practice and challenges of using Facebook in
public relations in bureaus of Oromia Region. Qualitative methodology is used in the
study. The data used in the research were collected using semi structured in-depth
interview and Facebook content analysis. Purposive sampling is used to select three
bureaus from bureaus of Oromia Region. Five public relations practitioners have
participated in the in-depth interview. One face to face and four phone call interviews
were conducted. The findings indicate that all the selected bureaus use Facebook often
as PR tool; however there is more one way communication resulting in less interaction
to increase the relationship and foster closer relationship between the organization and
its public. Poor internet connection, fake Facebook accounts, dissemination of bureaus
information on personal Facebook pages of the officials are among the challenges PR
challenges of using Facebook in public relations in bureaus of Oromia Region.