Assessment of Effectiveness of Institutional Support For Micro And Small Enterprises Development: The Case of Nefas-Silk Lafto Subcity In Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababauniversity


Assessment of Effectiveness of Institutional Support for Micro and Small Enterprises Development: The Case ofNefas-Silk Lafto Sub-city in Addis Ababa. Edossa Keno Addis Ababa University, 2012 The purpose of Ihis study is 10 analyse effeCliveness of inslitutional supporls for micro and small enterprises development in Nifas Silk Lajio Sub-cilY of Addis Ababa cily adminislralion. These institl/lional supports include Iraining, credit services, working premises, markeling place, market linkage and tax incenlives. The research employed bOlh qualilalive and quantilative approaches. Data colleclion techniques used comprise: MSEs workers survey questionnaires, key informant interview guide, focus-group discussions guide, and format for secondary dala colleclion. The dala collected have been analyzed using descriplive slatislics. Results were presented using tables and figures. The findings indicated thaI inslitutional supports for micro and small enterprises playa significant role for their growth. On the other hand il was also found Ihat inslitulional supports for micro and small enlerprises face different problems. Therefore based on the findings of the sludy it was concluded Ihat instilutional supporls for micro and small enterprises have both positive and negative impacts on MSEs growth in the sub city. Thus /he s/udy has recommended Ihat /he gaps in strategies such as continues awareness crea/ion in society /owards /he MSEs cOl11l11odi/ies, building /he capacity of suppor/ ins/itutions, streng/hening the linkage among the MSEs opera/ors are very important. Moreover, encouraging the involvement of other actors and there is a need for serious follow-up for till/ely corrections for those of the enlerprises who misuse /he ins/itutional supporls offered by differenl slake holders so as 10 bring growth for Ihe enterprises and Ihe nation as whole



Case of Nefas-Silk Lafto Subcity In Addis Ababa.
