Energy Auditing and Conservation in Cement Plant (Case Study: Diredawa National Cement Plc)

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Addis Ababa University


The cement production method has been extremely energy and price-intensive. To attain an actual and well-organized energy handling system, electrical and thermal energy review investigation was active on the cement plant. The cement plant requires 4,473.06 hours per year of the total operating hours to produce 587,375.67 tons of clinker. The factories have the problem of proper utilization of energy, due to lack of proper replacement, regular maintenance, and control efficiency of most industrial equipment and processing is lower than the expected. This study focuses on energy audit and conservations in an exceedingly national cement plant that has been victimization knowledge collected from the cement plant, an in-depth assessment has been taken on energy using and loss. Due to these losses, Energy efficacy evaluations of the most energy-intensive equipment such as electrical motors and drives, lamps have been done. Additionally establish technological opportunities to decrease the energy consumption of the plant, increase productivity, and improve the assembly method. Specializing in energy consumption reduction efforts through method improvement, production management, and introducing new technologies achieved vital results. By replacing the more efficient lamps (from T-12 to T-8 lamps) 92.52 MWh/year energy is conserved and saves 1713.33 Dollars/year. Motor Master international is used to choice good electric motor in form of efficacy, price-efficacy & energy conserving possible. Consequently, Motor Master + international software, 240.222 MWh/year energy is conserved and saves 13,223 Dollars/year. The Energy-efficient cement factory were nominated as a standard to compare their difference in electrical and fuel energy intensity (19.5 kWh/t and 779.4 KJ/Kg) and pays additional payments of 1, 1042,314.0974 Dollars per year.



Cement Industry, Energy Audit, Energy Efficiency, Clinker, Energy Consumption, Payback Period
