The Adaptation to climate change and variability the case of seglamen kebele, Laelay Machew woreda, Northern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Climate change and variability is one of the greatest challenges facing the Ethiopian agrarians. Climate change has a drastic impact on agricultural output, with total crop Failure and massive livestock deaths. The aim of this study is to assess adaptation to climate change in the local livelihood of Laeley Machew Woreda Seglamen kebele. The study was conducted in one rural kebeles. And also the main argument of the research is small farmer holder indigenous and introduced climate change adaptation strategies. Significance of the study is to document local climate change and adaptation practices of farmers, to contribute a comprehensive and in depth understanding of rural community livelihoods in the framework of climate change, serve as input to the strategy of assuring food security and sustainable resource management and some research gaps. The study attempts to solve negative impacts of climate change in general, vulnerable community in particular. The general findings of the study shows that the climate of the study area has variability and in turn this climate change and variability has impact on the study area livelihood sources like: crop production, cropping pattern, availability of long cycle crops, and availability of livestock feed, loss of livestock and availability of ground and surface water source were the major ones. To minimize the impacts of climate change and variability the farmers of the study area had use different local and introduced types of adaptation mechanisms, Like; selling labor, food aid, selling livestock and other assets, early maturing crop varieties, water and soil conservation, rehabilitation of gullies and mountain were long term adaptation practices applied by farmers and woreda office of agriculture. Even if it has some gaps in the process of implementation such as lack of information and knowledge in implementing introducing practice, lack of targeting problem to address to the vulnerable community etc. Keywords: Climate change/variability, Adaptation system, Vulnerability, Perception



Climate Change Variability, Adaptation System, Vulnerability, Perception
