Exploring Service Provided for Crime victim Children in the Criminal Justice System the Case Study of Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


This research was conducted to fill the gap observed in the area of service delivery to crime victim children pass ing through the cri minal justice system. The study popu lations were crime investigat ing po lice, public prosecutors and social workers se lected from five Sub of Ministry of Ju stice and Add is Ababa Police branch offices. Purpose of the research was to identify the service package de li vered to the chi ldren, the knowledge and ski ll base of professionals working with the chil dren, the utili zation of network and social workers engagement. The research utili zed a qualitative research des ign from which an exploratory research type was chosen. Trough a case study approach that utilized an in depth interview guide as a method of data coll ection and a qualitative data ana lysis method to analyze major find ings of the research. Based on the objective of the research, the find ing of the research indicated that, although there is a separate system establi shed in investigat ing and prosecuting crimes aga in st children and social workers are engaged in the process, the system does not have multidisciplinary team that is specially equ ipped with the special knowledge and sk ill to provide a uniform and standard serv ice to the children. Furthermore, the research has shown that there is lack of effective uti lizat ion of resource and networking. Based on the findings, the research has made a concluding remark that the system has a huge gap when compared with what's expected for a chi ld fr iendly criminal justice system to be. Finally the research has forwarded a recommend ation to help change the system at macro level and organizational level. It also indicated that the ro le of social workers as a practitioner and social work as a di scipline is deci sive in de livering an effective ch ild sensitive criminal justice process.



Criminal Justice System

