Assessemnt of the Relationship of Governmental and Non Governmental Organisations in Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa University
The main focus of this paper rl?Volves around four major issues. The first issue relates to the type
of government and its policies tawards working in collaboration with NGOs to respond to social
needs and to provide support for the vulnerable so that they make ends meet.
The second issue focuses on the sigmficance of social and economic programs of NGOs in line
with the nations' human centered development.
The third issue deals with the importance of the role of the government in creating an enabling
environment for the NGOs so that they play their roles in building good governance, In
establishing the rule of law and in increasing their contributions in social provisioning.
The final point is on the importance of the complementarities of the government and NGOs' roles
in the counlnis effort to get out of poverhj by working on principled based and through good
practices of partnership.
This research examines the relationship behveen NGOs and the government at federal level
focusing on the overall coordination and at ANRS Il?Vel focusing on program management Cljele
and service provision in the education sector.
According to the findings of the study, the Government - NGOs relationship in the countnj is a
mixed hjpe; ranging from subservient, compensatonj and partnership type of relationship.
Hawl?Ver, currently, no relationship is helping NGOs to operate at their full capacihj for positive
change in human centered dl?Velopment endeavors.
The mistrust of both parties should be managed f ollowing partnership principles and good
practices. [n this regard, government should go out of its way to appreciate and learn the
con tribution of NGOs in service provisioning and poverhj alleviation by establishing a high level
structure that could coordinate and facilitate the possible partnership between the government
and NGOs because 110 single and comprehensive government institution is currently in place to
coordinate and facilitate NGOs development. programs and relationships.
Finally, it is hoped that this study will help to ignite debate among policy form ulators,
academician s, and within the c NGOs about their fu ture role and contributions in human
centered development.
Relationship to Governmental, and Non Governmental