Local Development Plan for Inner City Areas, Particular Emphasis Based on Evaluation of Basic Urban Design Parameters the Case of Meskel Square Entrance Pocket Area, Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababauniversity
Addis Ababa is the capital as well as the political and cultural center of Ethiopia. But
the slum areas in the inner city are found to be the prominent problems that hide the
international image of the city. Hence, extensive redevelopment activities are under
way to transform the city in to a more livable city in Africa. However, Addis Ababa
faces huge challenges in redeveloping slum areas. Thus, this paper tried to assess
physical aspects of the redevelopment practices of Kaza-INCHIS/ECA/Economic
Commission for Africa/ area and analyze the proposed Local Development plan of
Meskel square entrance pocket area.
This paper, therefore, applied snowballing random sampling method to select
respondents for this paper. The paper further utilized purposive sampling to select
officials in different hierarchies’ and area of expertise. Both primary and secondary
data are collected with the help of interviews, structured questionnaires, site
reconnaissance and observation. The collected data were analyzed, interpreted and
presented with the help of various software packages: MS-excel, GIS, AutoCAD,
ArchiCAD, Artlantis Studio, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and computer
programs. The results were presented in text, tables, pictures, charts, graphs and
Accordingly, the research concluded that the redevelopment practice in Addis Ababa
has problems with respect to physical issues of urban design concepts, absence of
visual satisfaction or aesthetics, comfort, efficiency, identity and sustainability, poor
proportional integration of different land uses, road hierarchy, poor consideration of
urban public spaces as a breathing open space and poor landscaping among others.
Hence, the recommendations, the design concepts and spatial proposals presented
in this thesis paper will pave the way for physically Livable, Vibrant and Sustainable
design and implementation of redevelopment interventions in the city.
Key word: Urban, Redevelopment, Local Development Plan, Urban Design
Urban;, Redevelopment;, Local Development Plan;, Urban Design