The Role of Civics and Ethical Education in the Development of Students' behavior: The Case of Kokebe Tsibiha Secondary and Preparatory school
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this research was to investigate the role of CEE in the development of
Students' behavior at Kokebe Tsibah secondary and preparatory school. To realize this purpose,
case study method was implemented. Data were gathered from the school vice principal, 8
teachers, two education experts and two parents. Sixteen students were participated in focus
group discussion (FGD). CEE textbooks for Grade 9 and 12 and other documents were also
reviewed in order to see the place of Ethical and moral issues in the textbooks. Other school
documents like attendance sheets, exam records and other activities of the school and the
students were also viewed. Classroom observation was also conducted so as to understand the
extent to which CEE teachers and others give room for ethical issues during their instruction.
Moreover, students' conduct inside and outside the classroom was observed formally and
informally. The participants for the interview and FGD were selected purposely based on their
willingness, responsibi lity, and cooperation, competitiveness (maturity and assertiveness for
students). On the other hand, the new textbooks of CEE for upper secondary and preparatory
education have not incorporated that much variety of ethical issues even though core moral
values li ke respect, truthfulness, loyalty, responsibi lity seem hardly addressed by the textbooks
of CEE. The coordination of parents and school admini stration is poor. The influence of external
environment and fami ly'S socio-economic background of the students found to be the great
challenge for the cultivation of the students' ethical behavior. On the basis of this findings
awareness creation and ski ll development trai ning fo r teachers should be given. Improving
school-parent relationships, involving stakeholders like the media, the NGOs, well known
elderly people for the teach ing of good behavior have to be practiced in creating ethical school
environment and the surroundings. And fin ally forward ing for fUliher study on the issue was