Assessment of Rural Water Supply Schemes in Machakel Woreda

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Addis Ababa University


This study was conducted with the objective of assessing the status of rural water supply schemes and to id entify the chall enges and factors that affect rural water supply schemes ' performance in the study area. The necessary data collected trom ten sample schemes in ten rural kebeles. The study was a cross sectional resea rch based on collecting information from 100 beneficiary households (selected randoml y) using household survey, ten focus group discussions conducted with each scheme water commiltee, key informant interviews with WOWRD experts, di rect observation on each sample scheme and various secondary data (document review). The study revealed the following results. First, in many areas the approach used to implement rural water supply program was found to be supply dri ven. The idea of provision of improved water supply in many areas did not come from the community rather from experts. Second, community participation was restricted to labori ous acti vities. The beneficiari es' invo lvement in requesting their demand, selecting type of scheme and location of scheme etc was very limited. Particularly women participation is found in significant, in all water committees women's position is in sanitation aspect which is not influential in decision making. Third, the community management was found to be unsuccessfu l. The assumption that the users can manage their scheme by collecting money for maintenance, guard and other management costs was not successful. In seven schemes (70%) there was no any water fee/contri bution and in all the schemes ( 100%) the communi ty cannot maintain even simple breakages. Fourth, institutiona l capacity and support was found to be very weak. The capacity of the WOWRD was below the expected particularly in man power, logistics and recurrent budget. In addition to this the office focu sed on constructing new schemes, overlooking sustainabi lity of completed schemes. The office was found very weak in strengthening water committees, organizi ng and mobili zing the communi ty etc. Fifth, as a result of the above problems the status of ru ral water supply schemes in the study area was fo und in a very dangerous condition. Many schemes are not performing as expected; the pipes and structures are broken and damaged with in short period of time more over many schemes are becoming unprotected water source that provide unsafe and inadequate water to the target community. Therefore the findings call for adopting demand driven approach, improv ing community participation in all phases, bui lding community capacity to operate and maintain the schemes and capacitating the WOWRD in all rounds are crucial



Rural Water Supply
