Socio Economic Factors Affecting Household Solid Waste Production and Effective Management in Dessie Town
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Addis Ababa University
The general objective of this study was to examine socio economic factors that affect effective household solid waste production and management System in Dessie town. The study used mixed-method approach. For a quantitative method a structured close ended questionnaire was used and for the qualitative method, key informant in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and field observation were conducted to collect the data for this study. A multistage cluster sampling was used to select the sample household heads for this study. From the five sub-city found in Dessie town, Hotei sub-city was selected randomly and then the three kebeles found under this sub-city where all selected again from 9346 households in the selected kebeles. Of these, 184 households were randomly selected. A snow ball purposive sampling technique was used to select five municipal workers in solid waste sector for the key informant in-depth interview and two focus group discussions with solid waste collection workers under the municipality were conducted with 6 and 12 participants respectively. The result of survey data revealed that the largely produced solid waste was food wastes, and 86 (46.7%) respondents mentioned that food wastes as most difficult wastes to manage. 161(87.5%) showed that food wastes were put in sacks, followed by baskets and plastics 167 (90.8%), 8 (4.3 %) and 7(3.8 %) respectively. 61 (33.2%) respondents said that the estimated weight of their waste container was 26-50 kilos, and the number of sack produced from one household per month was maximum 8 and minimum 1 sack.151(82.1 %) respondents mentioned that they used a household solid waste collection service to dispose the solid waste ( 17 (9.3%) by burning it, 12 (6.5%) by dumping on common dump sites (rode, streets and rivers valley) and 4 (2.2%) using the community waste bins, but 17.9 % of the respondents said they did not use the household solid waste collection service and 160 (87.0 %) respondents said that they paid for the service while 24 (13.0) did not pay for the service. 98(53.3 %)respondents said that they did not separate their wastes, 51 (27.7%) said that they sometimes separate their wastes and 35 (19.0 %) said that they did separate their wastes and they said that the waste given to the municipality through waste collectors was disposed in a place called Menber Tsehai around Azewa Gedel.
The result from FGD and interview revealed that the production of waste affected economic status and family size. The FGD participants mentioned that the main challenge in the current waste management work was that most people are still trapped in their dumping and unclean habits they have developed before the current household management system and the unsmooth interaction between waste collectors and community members and its effect on the waste collection process. The result from FGD and interview also revealed that the problems of the existing system in Dessie town was institutional and social factors such as transportation problem of the waste collected , low motivation and attrition of the waste collection workers, financial constraint, lack of awareness of the household heads towards household solid waste management , rules and regulations of the town, lack enforcement of rules and regulation, problems of sharing accountability and responsibility among town security , Kebeles , the municipality, community members and the household owners. It is concluded that, although there is a solid waste management system in Dessie town, there are gaps both on the system itself and its application by the community members. Thus the community has to be provided with adequate education and develop awareness on how to handle its solid wastes at home and about the consequences of disposing solid. The municipality should give adequate emphasis for solid waste management in general which requires policy priority and adequate budget allocation.
Key words: Household, Solid waste, Waste management, Waste production
Household, Solid waste, Waste management, Waste production