Evaluation of the Performance of Constructed Wetland System for the Treatment of Brewery Wastewater
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Addis Ababauniversity
Environmentally friendly way of handling industrial effluents is the most important
concept for industries direct and/or indirect contribution of a country’s sustainable
development. In order to achieve such goals biological processes considered to play the
major role. The study to evaluate the treatment performance of horizontal subsurface flow
constructed wetland (SSFCW) systems planted with selected emergent wetland plants for
the removal of pollutants from brewery wastewater was initiated. For this purpose the
treatment plant was fed with raw brewery wastewater collected from St. George Beer
Industry of Ethiopia. The constructed wetland for wastewater treatment was operated for
six months (August, 18/2010 to February, 20/2011).The four SSFCWs cells packed with
gravel media and with HRT of 7 days. One bed was left unplanted and used as a control
while each of the remaining beds was planted with Cana. indica, Phragmite. karka and
Colocasia. gigantea to each unit. Each set of SSFCW cells had influent parameters such
as hydraulic loading rates of 26 L/d with high-strength 4798 mg COD/L and 1714 mg
BOD5/L from brewery wastewater. After six month operation, the laboratory analysis
gave a witness that the average removal efficiencies for the planted and unplanted
wetlands were as follows: COD (78.9 % and 76.8 %), BOD5 (74.4% and 70.5%), TN
(77.4% and 59.8 %), NH4-N (62.8% and 58%), NO3-N (55.2% and 42.5%), TP (68 % and
56.1%), PO4 (81.4% and 58.4%), sulfate (36.1% and 30.1%), sulfide (97.3% and 93.4%),
TSS (61.7% and 50%) ,TDS (54.1% and 45.5%) and EC (27.4% and 30%), respectively.
While the amount of DO was increased for planted and unplanted (65.6% and 38.6%)
Therefore, the influent concentration with the average composition of COD (4798 mg/L),
BOD5 (1714 mg/L), TN (106 mg/L) and TP (83.3 mg/L) has a great effect on pollutant
removal efficiency in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland systems.
Keywords: Constructed wetlands, Horizontal subsurface flow, Wetland plants, Treatment
Technology, Brewery wastewater
Constructed wetlands, Horizontal subsurface flow, Wetland plants, Treatment Technology, Brewery wastewater