The Role of Entertainment-Education in Changing Behavior of the youth in Ethiopia: The Case of "Menta Menged" Radio Serial Drama

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Addis Ababa University


This study attempts to explore the vilalrol e of entcrtainmcnt -education towards the behavior change of the youth in Ethiopia. In doing so, the research examines the impact of Menta Menged Radio Serial Drama in addressing HIV / AIDS, Reprodu ctive Health and related youth issues. In order to have a clear understanding of this issue, the researcher focused in three technical schools in Addis Ababa and interviewed a number of youth who have been involved in listener's group in different parts of the country. As one of the quantitative research methods, a sample survey based on questionnaire is used to collect data that can be tabulated and presented in numerical forms . For the collection of data that cannot be quantified as well as to substantiate data obtained through surv ey questionnaire, a qualitative research method t.hat primarily focuses on gro up discussion and m-depth interviews was conducted. To asses the effect of the dram Berhan research and Development Consultancy's resea rch on th e dram's effect was also analyzed. The findings of the study reveal that the Sabido methodology based radio serial dramas are found to be the most effective ways of intervention on raising you th attitude, awareness, knowledge and gradually changing their behavior i n regard t o the most pressing and contemporary issues such as reproduclive health, HIV / AIDS l'l11d other socio -cultural educati onal and economic issues. In th is regard, the Sabido based radio serial drama Jvlenta Mened has a lot of impact on the youth as the data obtained in this study ha s attempted to demonstrate.



Education in Changing Behavior
