Challenges Principals Face in Goverment Secondary schools in West Shoa Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to undertake an assessment of
the main challenges principals face in secondary schools of west Shoa zone and to identify the strengths and weakness and then to
provide recommendations to identify major problems. In
conducting this study, a descriptive survey method was used in
order to obtain information concerning the current challenges that
school principals faced in secondary schools of West Shoa zone.
Randomly selected government schools (N=8) were included in this
study. In order to select the respondent simple random and
purposive techniques were employed. A closed and an open ended
questionnaires were prepared and administered to a sample of 8
principals, 16 Woreda Educational officer and 182 teachers were
involved in 'the study to provide pl'imary information. A total of
206 questionnaires were filled in and returned. Results of were
analyzerl by using percentage, mean and weighted mean. The
result of this study indicates the principals were incompetent on
currying out their educational leadership responsibilities
effectively. The major problems to principals in providing effectille
and efficient educational leadership responsibilities were found to
be lack of required qualification altd tJ'aining on educational
leadership, lack of adequate resources altd shortage of time due to
wOI·kload. Generally, the quality of educational leadership in the
sample area. was poor. Thus, to alleviate
recommendations were forwar'ded, These
the above problems
wer'c providing of
training, motivating and encouraging principals a.nd allocating
in schoof affairs, so as (;0 bring (!uc'dity eu'ucation in the