Determinants of Urban Poverty in Debre Markos, Ethiopia: A Household Level Analysis

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Addis Ababa University


The study assessed dete rminants o/urban poverty in six Kebeles: Kebele 01, 03, 04, 05, 08, and 12 of Debre Markos 1011'11. The source used in the study comesFom primmy data. A total o(2MI household heads were selected to undertake the research and a systematic random sampling \I'as employed to selecl households.A Logistic regression model was employed and estimoted based on the primary data, with the probability of a household being poor as a dependent variable and a set of demographic and socioeconomic variables as the explanatOlY parameters. By making use of Food Energ)' Intake , (FEI) approach the surveyed households are identified as {he poor and non-poor. Based on {his, out of the 260 surveyed household heads, 172(66%) of them were found poor, the head count, poverty gap, and severity index of the survey obtained as 0.66,0.21 and 0.09 respectively. The variables that are positivel)' correlated with the probahility of being poor ore. Sf.\'. household size, and disease incidence of the household Variables negC/lively correlated ,,.ilh probability of being poor are: incol~1e, educational level, marital status, emploYll1el1t. age. housil1g tenure, and water source. Variables, which affected significantly the incidence o{poverty in the tOll'n, are: average monthly income, family size, educatianallevel, and disease incidence o{ the households,. Religiol1, ethnic group, dependency, productive .IcII1Iily memhers, main sOIll'ce or wOler and SlUt us of eleCiric conl1eClion were found statistically insignificunt il/dim{or.l· III poverty.



Determinants of Urban Poverty
