Assessment of Child Labour and its Impact on the Right to Primary Education: The Case of Bahir Dar Town, Gishabay and Hidar 11 Kebeles

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Addis Ababa University


Child labour has been one of vibrant and pervasive social problem of Ethiopia. On the other hand, little research has been conducted on it to scrutinize the nature, magnitude, and its impact on primary education. Hence, the study examined the interplay between child labour and the attainment of primwy edl/cationior children whose age are between the age group of 6 to 14 in Bahir Dare town, Gishabay and Hidar II kebeles. To undelpin the concepts oi child labour, the researcher undertaken the four theories of child labollr: labour market perspective, human capital perspective, social responsibility perspective and child centered perspective. The researcher employed qualitative research method In-depth interview, key informants interview, FDGs and observation were utilized to collect the necessary data. The finding of the research indicates that child labollrers are not well aware of about their human (child rights) rights. The results of the study reveal that despite children deserves a special protection jor their vulnerability; they are engaging in labour works and compelled to withdraw Fom school. This greatly alJixts their right to education. When children invested II/ore times on works, they have not get enough time to go school,Jor doing homework, an assignment, study, and rest. Therefore, investing more hours on work is potentially reducing the educational achievement of working children. Child labour has also significant impacts on the health condition, physical, mental, psychological development self-esteem and self-confidence of a child. Poverty, peer pressure, lack of attitudinal change to consider child labour as other crimes; ignorallce of social responsibility, and lack ofconcem to see children as alice own child accounts the major factors jor the prevalence of child labour in the studying areas.




