Historical and Philological Analysis of GadLa Bartalomewos with Translation

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of thi s study is to show the hi storical , philological, theological and religious situations of the sa int's epoch through his Gadl, Giid la Bartalomewos.Abunii Bartalomewos W:lS one of the di sciples of St.Takla I-Iaymanot from ~a~ara. He contri buted a lot in the evangelical acti vities and founded the monastery of Dabra Ziimada. Through his devotion and generos ity, he has fl ouri shed ethi cal generations. Accord ing to the corroboration of evidences, the Gadl was composed in the last stage of the 16th century. The resea rcher has tried to translate the Gadl (from Ga'az to Engl ish) and investigated the historical, phi lological and linguistic aspects that intern succinctly treated the respective problems in the hope that it will hel p for the hi storical and cu ltural study of the country.



Historical, Philological Analysis

