Integrated Rural Development Approach as a Strategy for Rural Poverty Alleviation: The Case of Kemashi WIBS Program

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Addis Ababa University


population. This is mainly to happen through grass root planning process and mass participation in order to make the process self-sustaining. Ethiopia has been practicing different types of rural development approaches in the past in which most of them were planned and implemented in a centralized way. To mention some of them the package programs (comprehensive and minimum packages); Villagization and resettlement programs; Rural Integrated Basic Services (RIBS); and Woreda Integrated Basic Services (WIBS) are the major ones. In this study an attempt is made to evaluate the pelformance of WIBS program in Kemashi Woreda, Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State. The performance of WIBS in Kemashi Woreda is compared with an other control Woreda, Agalo Meti Woreda. The principal source of information for the study is the primary data generated through survey questionnaire at household level from 200 sampled households in four PAs from the two Woredas. Focus group discussion and key informant interviews are also conducted in order to supplement the quantitative information obtained through survey by qualitative information. Various statistical tools such as measures of central tendency, descriptive statistics and CobbDouglas production function are used to compare the performance of the program with respect to basic service provision; economic benefi ts obtained by the households; and community participation and capacity building efforts. From the findings of the study credit services and grinding mill provisions are showing significant achievement eventhogh credit was not coordinated with income generating activities. The food uvailability of the household in the program area is found to be very low which indicates low nutritional status of the households. Empirical results of the study reveals that the program performed well in some of its components while in others there is no significant improvement. And hence it needs to undertake certain measures to improve the performance of such type integrated rural development programs. Among the various recommendations given in this study, the improvement of institutional set up; the rearrangement of the basic service components; the integration of training with skill development and income generating activities; and the introduction of various activities which are used to increase the productivity of the area are the major ones.



Rural Poverty Alleviation
