Run-off-The Road Crash Severity and Crash Severity-Based Black Spot Identification in Oromia Region, East Wallega Zone

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Statistics clearly demonstrate that run-off-the road crashes contribute to a significant percentage of high-severity crashes. It is therefore important for the highway safety community to identify the characteristics and contributory causes of these types of crashes. This paper assesses the trends, causes, and severity of run-off-the road traffic accidents and black spot identification by weight severity index method on rural road of East Wallega Oromia regeion Ethiopia. Despite efforts made by various stakeholders to reduce the massacre on country roads, road traffic accidents have been a serious health problem issue in the country and the most severed accident are caused when vehicle run-off-the road and a vehicle that leaves its travel lane at a non-intersection location and collides with another vehicle or with a fixed object or overturns is considered to be involved in a run-off-road crash. The study used data on road traffic accidents for the period 2005-2008 E.C and data were obtained from East Wallega Police Commission and the data obtained is totally of 374 out of this about 187 of them are ROR crashes and data has been analyzed using descriptive statistics or Bayesian statistic equation approach/model for identifying the primary contributing factor associated with run-off-the road crashes (ROR). The most frequently identified contributing factor among the ROR events from the model are excessive speeding/exciding speed limit, fatigue, distraction, sleeping of driver and tire blow out and brake are out of control, while wrong side driving, too fast for condition and loss distance, improper turning, motor problem and strapping are more related with NROR crashes. Further the study describes that the degree of hazardousness of a given rural road section/stretch has been directly associated with the availability of risk indicating on the road such as surface type, geographic location, volume of vehicle on the road and traffic factors. The study finding shows that human errors mainly drivers' behavior and actions are found as the major cause of road traffic accident in Ethiopia. So that to reduce fatalities and injuries on the roads, the paper recommends that road safety policy and law enforcement; capacity building, education, and awareness creation; and cooperation and integration between and/or among all transport stakeholders should be the focus of the government as well as the responsibility of every individual living in the country.



Road Crash Severity, Crash Severity, Black Spot Identification, East Wallega Zone
