The Resources Contribution of Local and External Ngos in Primary Education Development Projects In Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Regional Government (Snnpr)
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Addis Ababa University
The maill objective of this study was to illvestigate the role of local and exterJIal 11011
goverllmental orgallizatiolls (LNGOs alld ENGOs) alld its resources cOlltributioll to the
primary educatioll developmellt projects (PEDPs) ill SoutherJI Natiolls, Nationalities alld
Peoples' Regiollal GoverJImellt. To cOllduct this study, a descriptive survey was employed.
For this purpose samples are takell from 3 ZOlles, 7 woredas, amI 41 schools. The research
study illvolved two categories of sample populatioll: NGOs amI GOs. Questiollllaire survey,
illterview, documellts, alld persollal observatioll were the maill illstrumellts used to collect
the data. Data allalysis was made by using statistical tools such as percelltage, chi-square
alld rallk order correlatioll coefficiellt to idelltifY whether there are differellces alld
agreemellts ill the judgemellt of the respolldellts regardillg the various variables 011 the role
of NGOs ill PEDPs.
The results obtailled suggested that both the LNGOs amI ENGOs are illvolved ill providillg
assistallce programmes for differellt developmelltal projects implemellted in the regioll.
Nevertheless, it was foulld that there is high COllcelltratioll of NGOs alld their projects 011
the previous drought prolle areas without allalyzillg the currellt problems of the regioll. The
filldillgs illdicated that the majority of the NGOs gave more emphasis to the projects Oil
capital illvestmellt havillg ollly limited amoullt of their projects spellt Oil recurrellt
expellditures. Based 011 the lIeed assessmellt of the commullities, assistallce was challlleled
through the local goverllmellt, the NGOs, alld through halldillg over operational projects to
the respective belleficiaries. However, it !Vas foulld that NGOs could never ellcouraged the
local commlmity to choose the type of assistallce/service they lIeed ill terms of their
priorities ill their respective areas.
The study further revealed that though efforts have beell made ill settillg up coordillatillg
committees for orgallizillg the various activities of NGOs ill PEDPs, they were ell/allgled
with mallY difficUlties alld did 1I0t make all effort to bring abollt close work relatiollships
amollg key power actors. It was also foulld that there is I/O formal relatiollships amollg the
NGOs alld lIever share illformatioll regardillg their illtervelltioll activities. The results
obtailled gellerally illdicated that all the problems cited by the filldillgs are closely related to
lack of COOrtlillatioll which the local goverumellt has 1I0t illcorporated NGOs illto its
policies amI structures; alld NGOs 011 their part are 1I0t orgallized to help the local
goverllmellt to ftlrther collaboratioll. 011 the other halld, evell though attempts have beell
observed to mOllitor alld evaluate educatiollal projects, they were cOllcell/rated more 011
mOllitorillg physical dimellsioll or evaluatioll of illfrastructllre projects alld igllore the
sustaillability, social dimellsioll, alld impact of expellditures. III additioll, it was observed
from the study that there are sigllificallt differellces amollg the NGOs' project pelformallce
ill differellt target areas of the regioll. Filially, based 011 the filldillgs alld cOllclusiolls,
recommelldatiolls were made to address the problem ullder study.
Resources Contribution of Loca