Assessment of Problems of Sustainability of Rural Water Supply and Management Systems in Machakel Woreda, Amhara Region
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Addis Ababa University
Adequate and sustainable water supply in rural areas of Machakel Woreda is very low. Efforts
made so far to improve the existing water supply situation have been threatened (vulnerable) by
multiple interlinked problems. Knowledge of the problems of rural water supply and communities’
management can help improving the problems of rural water supply in the future. Thus, the
objective of this paper was to assess the Problems to Sustainability of Rural Water Supply and
Management Systems in Machakel Woreda, The researcher focuses on descriptive and crosssectional
survey research design where different data at points in time are collected to obtain the
necessary information by applying both probability and non-probability to sampling designs to
identify the sample kebeles and water supply schemes as well as the sample households. Household
surveys, observation, key-informants interview and focus group discussion were used for primary
data collection. Documents review from different offices was used as a tool to collect valuable
information for secondary data. Three stage sampling method was used for primary data collection.
For the selection of kebele administration stratified sampling method was used based on agroclimatic
zones. Two kebele administrations were selected from Woyna Dega and one from Dega
agro-climatic zones. Both Purposive sampling method and simple random sampling method was
employed for village and households’ selection. Household survey was conducted in three selected
kebele administrations and 150 household heads were randomly drawn from the total 979 water
supply user heads of households. Three focus group discussions were held with water committee
members, and kebele administration officials and 15 observations were conducted at different water
points. For data analysis a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. The
method used for data analysis was simple description: like percentage, average, standard devotion,
tabulation and charts (figures). In conclusion various factors are interacting to maintain the
intended objectives of any water supply project. The utilization of water sources mainly depend on
their functionality, this in turn depend on the magnitude and types of community participation. The
whole purpose focused to sustain the continued use of water supply project, distances from the
water pints, the involvement of community at all stage of water development, building of adequate
skill and considering the modest water services fees. It is also known that water office took the
responsibility of to be handed over water supply schemes, unfortunately the water offices were not
yet skill full and resources full to mange and maintain the existing schemes .Lack of tools, spare
part, poor water committee’s effort, low senses of ownerships of rural water supply schemes by the
user communities. The study revealed that weak institutional capacity, poor financial management
and weak linkage between water committees and Woreda Water Office are identified as the main
problems in the study area. The evidence in the study area also indicates that poorly managed
water supply scheme has adversely affected access to potable water supply, especially where water supply schemes interruption was with high frequency. The policy implication of the study is strengthening of the institutional capacity (technical, financial human recourse and management capacity at Woreda and village (local) level Improving construction quality, strengths community participation and capacity building of the community in order to improve the rural water supply scheme management is recommended for the futures
Geography and Environmental Studies