Assessment of Urban Water Supply Services in Axum Town, Tigray Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study is to assess the existing urban water supply services of
Axum town. Relevant data were gathered from both primary and secondary sources.
Major primary data consisted of a questionnaire survey and interviews with the supply
service office, prominent citizens and professionals. A sample of 300 households was
drawn from all tabias using proportional to size method and respondent HHs were
selected using systematic random sampling. Responses of the questionnaires were
entered in to SPSS software for analysis. The survey result shows that the water
produced only covers 45-59.4 percent of the demand. The distribution of water covers 70
percent of the population and includes private taps, yard taps, public standpipes and
water vendors. But the poor quality of water coupled with its inadequacy had encouraged
people to use unprotected sources. Hence, piped water only serves 54.9 percent of
household consumption purposes. Those who depend on public standpipes need 19
fountains while only few are functional. They consume on average 15 II c/ d when
compared to 19.99 II c/ d and 21.66 II c/ d yard tap and private tap consumption
respectively. More than half of households get water intermittently. This in tum decreased
the duily average consumption to 11 II c/ d, far below the minimum requirement of 20
II c/ d set by Mo WR. The inefficiency also became a cause of price increases to 32 cents
per 20 liters from 6 cents and 5 cents for public standpipe and private users at nomwl
periods respectively.
The study also identified among others, inadequate water, poor water quality, inefficient
and unfair distribution and interruption as major causes of water shortage and scarcity.
This was due to lack of skill, facilities, finance and coordinated efforts of all concerned
The paper recommends interventions to enable the Axum water service office to overcome
the problems and contributions expected from all stakeholders, including the community.
The points include rehabilitation of wells, introduction of treatment plant, construction of
dams to collect surface water, improving water shade management, and construction of
additional standpipes, rainwater harvesting, strengthening the capacity of management
and coordinating efforts among stakeholders.
Water access;, consumption;, provision;, supply, distribution and coverage Viiti