The Attitude of Food-For-Work Beneficiaries towards the Implementation and Impacts of Food-For-Work Programmed

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Addis Ababa University


Til(! IIllIill ohjeclive of this paper is 10 study the allitude of hell eficiaries towards the 1I/{/llIIgelllellt iss lies ill FFW and the impacts of FFW ill ilia ted soil conservatioll /'/IeaSllres all ellvirOlllllellt. It is also the ail1l of this paper to analyze the factors that determine the .Ii,ture ,,"stlliIOhility 0/ FFW illitiated soil conservatioll activities. The shulV is based all a SlIrve)! of ISO hellds ofhollseholds who were random IV selectedfro/1/ Alaba Wereda. TI1 addilioll. focl/s grollp discussiolls alld key informant interviel'VS were also condUCled wilh henejiciaries. Werelia ofliclllis. I'll leaders, alld staffji-olll the implelllellting agellcy to get all ill-depth insighl 011 Ihase issl/es Ihat are 110t adequately addressed ill the survey lII ethod. Secolldwy data sOl/rces sl/ch liS CSA reports, project documents alld CIIl/1ual reports produced hy Ihe illlplelll elllillg IIgency were also reviewed. The study brought together ideas ji-olll direct hellefirillries. implelllenting agellcy, government officials, and other stakeholders. it is a lieseriplive alld evaluative sll/dy, and both the descriptive statistical lIIethods and qualilative (/lwl)!sis Ivere elllployed ill the study as methodologicallools. 7/lcfol/olVillg lire the lIIajorfilldings of th e stue!y: I) FFW belleficiaries have 1101 raken part ill decisioll-lIlllkillg process at different levels in FFW programming, alld hence gellerally the)! have nega/ive attitude towards management issues ill FFW; 2) BeJl eficiaries preferred hioiogicill soil cOllservation measures to the physical measures as the former have a IllOre liirecl alld shon-tCl'III economic benefits than the laller. As a result, the hiological and physical soil cOllserValiOIl lIIeasures were IIOt well-integrated to hring about a suslaillable impact 011 ellvil'OlIlIIellt: 3) Dlle to restrictive CUStOIllS alld traditiolls ill Ihe study area, alld due to the lack of COlllnlitl/Wli1 of the FFW programme to address women's needs, gender issues were 1I0t Ivel/addressed ill tlie FFW progralllllle. There/ore. {/I I illlporlilliliessoll drawnJi'oll! this study is that beneficiaries should he ill valved in tlie riecisioll -Illukilig process at all /eve/s in FFW progral11l11illg. alld adequate e/'llphasis has to he givell 10 Ihe prolllotioll a/' cOllservatioll knowledge allc/ praclice. alld to gender issues ill order 10 II/f1Xilllize tlie ell virollmental impacts of tlie FFW illitiated soil cOliservatioll IJrogmlllllle. """ 10 ensure Ihe .li ,ture sustaillability of soil cOllservatioll (lctivilies ullderlakell tllrougll FFW. Th e stur/v "/0'0 attelllpts to draw addiliollal illsights ill the use olIood as all cfJixtive loolfor {Icliicvillg the I/Illch aspired environmental rehabilitatioll objective, "lid as all e/Jcctive toolfor reducillgfood aid dependellcy alld achievillg self-sufficiency.



Attitude of Food-For-Work
