The Practice of Ethiopian Private Presses in Covering Corruption Related Issues: The Case of Reporter and Addis Admas.
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis has attempted to assess the practice of Ethiopian private presses III covering
corruptio n related issues in the case of Repo rter and Addis Admas for the period of one year.
Content anal ys is was employed as method. In-depth-interview was also made with the
newspaper's staff. Both quantitative and qual itative methods were used to co llect the data. As a
result, systematic random samplings of 67 arti cles were taken from Reporter and 36 from Addis
Admas newspapers. The analysis was done based on the type of sto ry, theme, source, placement,
author and the case of individual vs. institutions. The data found from the interview as well as
underlying theoret ical frameworks were used to back up the analysis. Resul ts show that
embezzlemcnt was the leading form of corruption theme for both newspapers. Reporter and
Addis Admas used anti -corrupt ion watchdogs as their major sources of story. From the research
it is possible to conclude that Reporter and Add is Admas gave more prominence to corruption
issues on institutional level which were led by government rather than on individual bases. The
study further concluded that the biggest strength of Reporter and Addis Admas emanate from the
news section as majority of the news stories were authored by their own staff reporters. The
newspapers' coverage of corruption was dominated by the news genre. In addition, sign ificant
numbers of the corruption stories on Reporter were placed on the middle pages of the newspaper,
and Addis Aclmas gave more emphasis fo r corrupt ion related stories by placin g on the fro nt
pages of the newspaper. From the overall finding of this research, it is poss ible to conclude that
Reporter and Addis Admas seem somewhat responsible in fu lfill ing their duty as the watchdog
of public inte rest by consistently repolting events of corrupt ion in the country even though they
fa iled to add ress important corruption themes, such as clintism, nepotism and bribery.
Ethiopian Private Presses, Covering Corruption Related Issues, Reporter and Addis Admas