Institutional And Managerial Aspects of Traditional Irrigation Systems; The Experiences of Two Schemes In Amaro Special Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
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Addis Ababauniversity
This study tries to demonstrate the management practices and the insti tutions that
contribute to the long time persistence of traditio nal irrigation systems and identify the
major challenges that traditional irri gato rs encounter in ru ral areas of Ethiopia.
As reviewed li teratures indicate, traditional irrigation pract ices in Ethiopia are not
studied well and there is no sufficient in formation documented. Moreover, past studies
conducted in this regard are concentrated on the techni cal or the hardware aspect, whil e,
the soft ware or in stitutional and management aspect is neglected. Therefo re, thi s study
is aimed to improve understanding and knowledge of traditional irrigation practices. The
focus is on experiences of two schemes in Amaro special Woreda, Southern Ethiopia.
It is based on socio-technical systems theory, whi ch outlines that irri gation systems are
shaped by interaction of technical and social aspects. Irri gation technical practices are
socially constructed, have social requirements for use, and social effects. This study al so
uses Uphoffs irrigation management framework anal ysis.
The data coll ection methods of this study are both qualitative and quantitative with
primary and secondary data sources. Household survey using structured questitionnare,
with required sample size was used to collect primary data at the field level. Secondary
information was collected using structured checkli st. Key informants interview and focus
group discussions were also conducted. The data was analyzed using SPSS computer
software producing appropriate tables and summaries.
From this study it can be concluded that the irrigation activ ity In Amaro is well
establi shed and persisted for long. Some of the factors that contri buted for the pers istence
are: the presence of volunteer and ski lled water distributors (Qorros), communally
accepted local rules, skills to establi sh structures, ownershi p feelings of the irrigators, and
existence of traditional irrigation management in stitutions (irrigation committees).
Key words: irrigatio n, management, institut ions, and trad itional
irrigation, management, institut ions, and trad itiona l