Situation and Livelihood Change of PLWHA in Adama Town: A Comparative Study of IGA Participating and Non-Participants
dc.contributor.advisor | Degefa, Terefe (PhD) | | | Mekonnen, Dinku | | | 2018-09-21T07:45:20Z | | | 2023-11-18T09:24:42Z | | | 2018-09-21T07:45:20Z | | | 2023-11-18T09:24:42Z | | | 2008-06 | |
dc.description.abstract | HI VIA IDS is the most pressing problem in the lI'orld sillce 'he las I 111 '0 to ,"ree decades,' particlI/arly ill Ihe third lI 'orid cOlln/ries. 11 has a devastating impact all Jhe flea"" and socioecol/ olllic ll'el/ being of population ill many parIs oj (he developing lI'Orld. J\;{ost ob,';01/5Iy 1-1/1'IAfDS a!Jects hlllllan health and infected people are eithereventually die pre-Illaturely; or they are less praductive due ta serious a/ different opportunistic infections. In addition, /-IlVIAfDS increases pover,y in the long run by diminishing assets of households including human physical, sOcia/,financial Clnd natural capacities. II increases the relative costs o/bolh avoiding and treating the illlless and damages the jinclllcial assets. /-Io\l 'e ver, to reduce the long terlll impacts 0/ /-IrV/A rDS pandemic, the Ethiopian govemmel1l /orlllulates policies and programs to participate PLW/-IA in developmel1l programs like ICA. Such program are highly practiced ill Adama to",n /ell' years ago by different governmel1lal and NCOs. The basic objective o/this study is there/ore, to examine the e!Jectiveness of these rCA ill bringillg changes in the livelihoods 0/ PL W/-IA in comparison to non rCA participants. It is conducted /Ising pl'imOlJ' source of data. The dala was collected by administering questionnaire, focus group disclissions and ill depth illlerview. The study is based on both qualitative and qual1titolive methods. P L IVI-IA participating in ICA alld same number of PLWIIA lIot partiel/Joting in IGA are included in the study. The survey questionnaires were el/ectively administered to 446 (223 PLWHA ill rCA and 223 PLWHA not in rCA), and six FCD and six in-depth interview were held with both ICA groups and non rCA groups. The data are processed and analyzed using Ihe Slatistical Package/or Social Science (SPSS) computer software and descriptive, analytical and inferential techniques \Vas elllployed to explain the comparison 0/ PLWHAs participating ill rCA and PLI-vI-fAs 1I0t participating iIlICA. The study has assessed the major household consumption needs and contribution of ICA to co ver household expenses in comparison with PLWHA not participating in ICAs. Civenthe small amount of financial support as Ivell as shortages of technical supports, PLWHA participating in ICA has better economic advantages to cover their household expenses as compared to PLI'JIf-rA not participating in ICA. However, rCA has its own drall'backs. Based on the finding providing technical suppart such as training, a thorough monitoring and evaluation of the program and networking among concemed government and NCOs are major recommendations of the researcher. The effort will bring valuable change provided that there is a strong working relationship among all cancerned parties; governmental, non-govcmmental and call1munity based e!Jorts. | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Livelihood Changes of | en_US |
dc.subject | PLWHA | en_US |
dc.title | Situation and Livelihood Change of PLWHA in Adama Town: A Comparative Study of IGA Participating and Non-Participants | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |