The Effect Of Reward On Employee Performance: The Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia (CBE)

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Addis Ababa University


Reward system is one of the most essential tools in a company’s development and success. In order to maximize the overall performance of the company, it is vital for an employer to understand how employees perceived the reward system, and motivated by the rewards given by the company.The main objective this study was to investigate the effects of reward on employee performance at commercial bank of Ethiopia. Data were collected through questionnaire prepared based on previous scholars work.Content of the reward and employee performance of questionnaire was adopted for use developed by (La Belle, 2005).). A stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 363 respondents from a target population of 6296employees with a response rate of 81%. The study adopted descriptive and explanatory research design. Data analysis was carried out using quantitative techniques with the aid of SPSS version 20.The data was analyzed mainly by using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis.The results revealed that there is positive and significant relationship between Reward and employee performances. However, based on the finding Intrinsic Reward factors have more influence toward employees' performance than Extrinsic Reward factors.This study has provided implications that extrinsic rewards are to some extent need improvement and employees are nowadays searching for rewards beyond solely monetary rewards. Therefore, in order to be effective in achieving its targeted goals and objectives, CBE is required to reevaluate its reward practices



Employee Performance, Reward, Promotion
