Design and Experimental Evaluation of Basin type Solar Still for Saline and Fouride water purification (A case on Giby-Deep well water: - Dupti-Afar-Ethiopia)
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Addis Ababa University
In Ethiopia 61 percent of the rural population lacks an access to improved water sources and 62 Percent of rural households are travelling 30 minutes or more to fetch drinking water daily, mostly by child and women. This study presents the purification of water that contains saline and fluoride by using solar distillation. Three different alternatives: single slope, double slope and double slope solar still integrated with parabolic solar trough were designed and installed in the compound of Samara University and daily production and purification performance was investigated from April 6/2015 to April 8/2015. Daily yield was reduced, when water level increased from 3cm to 7cm. The 3cm water level was established for all three alternatives to compare the daily yield of the three alternatives. Single basin single slope solar still, having an area of 1mx1m basin causes the recirculation of distilled water, as a result its full production capacity couldn’t be obtained.Double slope solar still integrated with parabolic solar still produces a yield 7% higher than double slope solar still of 3.16kg. The purification efficiency stills were: TDS=99.66%, Total hardness=94.7%, Total alkalinity=93.8%, Salinity=100% and fluoride=96.5%. As a result any brackish and fluoride problems currently determinant to the society to access clean water in Afar can be purified with a solar still distillation. Key words Solar still, fluoride, saline, parabolic solar concentrator, trough
Solar still, Fluoride, Saline, Parabolic solar concentrator, Trough