Assessment of Employees Perception of Sourcing Practice and its Link With Operational Performance the Case of MSF Ethiopia
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This research was conducted in an attempt to investigate the status of sourcing
practice(measured in terms of four dimensions, namely strategic purchasing, long-term
orientation, communication and limited number of suppliers) and its relationship with
operational performance in the MSF Ethiopia. Owning to the small number of the total
population, the study had employed census survey to quantitatively assess the supposed
relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Questionnaire was used as the
formal instrument of data collection. A total of 60 questionnaires were distributed and 57 of
them were filled and returned which made the response rate about 95% and of which 54 of them
were found complete and hence qualified for being processed. The study findings have suggested
that the levels of sourcing practices and operational performance are moderate in the case of
MSF Ethiopia as the perceived evaluation of the respondents reply. It has also revealed that,
though all of the dimensions of sourcing practices have statistically significant positive
relationship with operational performance communication was found to have no statistically
significant predictive power on operational performance of MSF, while the remaining three
dimensions have found to have a statistically significant predictive power on operational
performance of MSF. It is recommended that MSF is required to review its existing sourcing
practices and make the necessary modifications in order to benefit from the performance
improvements in terms of improved quality, swift delivery time, reduced cost of goods, and
volume & mix flexibility of goods and satisfaction of internal customers
Msf ethiopia, Performance, Operational, Sourcing Practice